Hi! My name is __________________ and my partner's name is __________________. We're super excited we found you on _____________ to photograph our ______________________. We would love to have you photograph on _________________ at __________________________________. Our budget is $____________ and we have about ________ loved ones attending. My email address is __________________________________ and my Instagram handle is __________________________________. Here’s a little bit more about us!
Hi guys! My name is _________________________ and my partner's name is _________________________. We're super excited we found you on ________________ to photograph our ___________________________. We would love to have you photograph on _______________ at ____________________________. Our budget is $____________ and we have about ________ loved ones attending. My email address is ________________________________ and my Instagram handle is _______________________. Here’s a little bit more about us!
Hi! Thank you so much for reaching out to us!! We’ve received your inquiry and will get back to you soon. xx B & E